Monday, September 20, 2010

Copycat en Espanol

Henry is such a copycat these days.  I can get him to say just about anything.  Apologies for the terrible video - he doesn't perform if he sees the camera.  This one is more for sound than sight.  Although from the looks of things, the video is focused on my bald spot.  Why do I have a bald spot?  Don't let these questions distract you from Henry's perfect recitation of "1-2-3-4" en espanol.  ;)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who Has a Bigger Head? Me or My 20 Month Old?

Henry's Jersey style poof gives his head another inch on top, but seriously, I think his head is still bigger than mine.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Video: Pure Joy from a Cardboard Box

Kids:  they really don't need much to make them happy, do they?  And then there are the other moments when nothing makes them happy.  I try to focus on great moments like this one.  Henry is in his mismatched pj's (Chris' doing of course).  He's playing in the basement where he has strewn all his toys about.  And despite all the toys at his disposal, he is thrilled with his matchbox car and the old printer box.  The latter remained in our basement for about a month before I dragged it out for recycling.