Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My apologies for the radio silence yesterday.  As you can see from the above photo, I’ve been packing up all the garbage in our apartment – plus Chris, Henry and I spent the weekend apart in Austin, the Wisconsin Dells, and Evanston respectively. 

We’re braving the market and putting our condo up for sale.  We met with a listing agent last week, and he gave us the “pitch.”  We knew we would have to take a loss, but we were hoping for a better listing price recommendation.  At one point during the meeting I thought Chris was going to cry.  After a few days of consideration, and looking at our options to buy, we decided to go ahead with the sale.

Packing with a toddler crawling around is not exactly easy.  I would put something in a box, and Henry would take it out.  But generally speaking he was a doll.  He played quietly on the floor while I packed.  I kept reminding myself that if I was working, the entire process would be even more difficult.  At least I don’t have to take off of work to meet the movers today, etc.  I really respect mothers who can manage working and the responsibilities of keeping a home.  It is no small feat. 

The movers are coming today to put all of our crap in storage, and the photographer is coming on Friday to take pictures of our apartment and take measurements for a floor plan.  If all goes well, our condo will be on the market in a week or 2.  Things have progressed quickly considering we met with the listing agent last week.  I’m not sure we’re emotionally prepared to move, but we are big saps.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes! Good luck with the move Andersons. I hope everything goes smoothly.
